Saturday, July 25, 2009

Radio Pick: The Language of Reform

FLINT, MICHIGAN - This week's radio pick comes from a show that I rarely hear. The language used in political campaigns is especially tuned in the United States, and specifically the language used in the health care (or is it health insurance) reform was explored by NPR's "On the Media" this week. The important program often explores such topics; my only regret is that the great sense of humor of hosts Bob Garfield and Brook Gladstone is sometimes muted by the subject matter. The fact that Joe Pesca was substituting in this week's 53-minute show seemed to make no difference in quality, and allowed for a nice foray into sports as well as politics.

Listen to MP3 of On The Media "The Language of Reform"

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An honorable mention this week goes to Wisconsin Public Radio's "To The Best of Our Knowledge". That show's second hour this week focused on travel. The first segment of the 53-minute show, with Rick Steves quite fully explaining his idea of travel as a political act and Mark Johnson talking about the "Playing for Change" project was simply exquisite.

Listen to RealMedia of To The Best of Our Knowledge "Travel"

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